What Makes Allegro Different
No Contract.
No Required
Dance Wear.
Taught By
Parents Allowed
To Watch.
About The Owner
Beth Barry has been teaching in Helena for over 30 years. She founded Allegro school of dance in the fall of 1992 because she felt that the community needed a dance school that offered opportunities not often found in other dance schools. She is committed to giving dancers a quality dance education without sacrificing the dancer’s quality of life or self-confidence. She is committed to giving all dancers in Helena a chance to fulfill their dance goals. It is her goal at Allegro to not only give dancers a sound, technical dance training but to also give them life experiences that will enrich their future. She encourages her dancers to have a strong commitment to their community, outreach, leadership, mentoring, discipline and integrity. At Allegro she looks at her students as whole children not just the dancing child. In addition, she strongly encourages her dancer’s commitments to their families, faith, school and other interests thus inspiring the importance of a healthy balance in their lives. She encourages a partnership with parents to enhance the dancer’s progress, self-esteem and training. She feels a strong commitment to helping families raise, healthy, confident future leaders.
Class Schedule/Fee
Schedules & Registration Forms
Both Fall - Spring and Summer
2024-2025 Calendar
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(406) 443-1231
636 Barney St - Helena, MT 59602